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Harmonic of induction furnace

Time:2021-03-08   Nums:3066

When the induction furnace works normally, the voltage should always be turned on to the maximum as far as possible, otherwise it will produce harmonics.

The harm of harmonics to power system is very serious. Harmonics reduce the efficiency of production, transmission and utilization of electric energy, overheat electrical equipment, produce vibration and noise, aging insulation, shorten service life, and even cause failure or burning. Harmonics can cause partial parallel resonance or series resonance in power system, amplify the harmonic content and cause the capacitor and other equipment to burn down. Harmonic can also cause relay protection and automatic device misoperation, which makes electric energy measurement chaotic. For the outside of the power system, harmonics will cause serious interference to communication equipment and electronic equipment.

Yiphee Electric Furnace Co.,Ltd specializes in producing induction smelting furnace.Tel(WhatsApp):+86-13450756789, yiphee@yiphee.cn

induction furnace

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