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Discussion on boiling phenomenon of induction melting furnace

Time:2021-02-28   Nums:3347

1) Difference between boiling furnace and frying furnace

Induction furnace boiling refers to the phenomenon of intense boiling of molten steel due to various reasons in the smelting process. It shows that the molten steel continuously gushes out from the furnace body with slight explosion, which is very similar to the volcanic eruption. The reason for furnace explosion is that the added burden contains water. When the burden is immersed into the molten steel, the water gasifies at a high temperature of about 1000 DEG; C. the gas produced can not expand in the space of the liquid metal, and then the explosion occurs, and the liquid steel is taken out of the furnace. Blast furnace is instantaneous, while boil furnace lasts a long time, both of them are destructive and dangerous.

2) Three boiling phenomena

1 first

A phenomenon and reasons: when the added burden is rusty and not baked, it is easy to cause boiling furnace; due to the carelessness of operators or not following the rules, it often causes such accidents in front of furnace. When the rusty and unburned burden is added, the molten steel immediately boils and continuously gushes out, with a slight explosion sound. After the boiler stops, more than half of the molten steel in the furnace is overflowed, and the overflowed molten steel is seriously oxidized. It can be seen that the boiling out of liquid steel has a huge power for a long time, and a large number of oxidizing gases exist at the same time.

B solution: in the actual production, it must be carried out in strict accordance with the process requirements, and the furnace charge should be baked without corrosion. Once this kind of boiling furnace occurs, the power should be cut off immediately to prevent the overflow liquid steel from short circuiting the induction furnace, causing equipment damage or greater accidents. The reaction can be alleviated by adding proper amount of deoxidizer into the furnace after power failure and covering the liquid surface with slag remover. If the boiling furnace is severe, the liquid steel can be directly poured into the furnace pit if necessary.

The second type of boiler

A phenomenon and causes: when the feed contains low melting point and low boiling point metals and their compounds, it is also easy to cause boiling phenomenon. This is because when these low melting point boiling point metals and their compounds are immersed in molten steel, because of the high temperature of molten steel at this time, they will immediately cause the gasification or decomposition of the metals and their compounds, resulting in a large number of gases and colored flames on the surface of molten steel. This kind of reaction generally lasts for a short time and takes place on the surface of the liquid steel, so the liquid steel will not be taken out of the furnace. It is difficult to separate these materials containing low melting point metals and their compounds in the recovery of metal waste, so it is easy to mix these materials in the small and miscellaneous materials. In another case, the profile coated with low melting boiling point metal, such as galvanized pipe, is easy to cause boiling when the material is returned to the furnace.

B solution: in the process of smelting, if it is necessary to melt small materials or broken materials, small materials and miscellaneous materials should be put at the bottom of the furnace body before feeding. Because the heating is relatively slow at the beginning of melting, the low melting point and boiling point metals and their compounds will slowly decompose or gasify, and will not cause violent reactions as if they were added to the liquid metal immediately.

The third type of boiler

A phenomenon and cause of formation: the third kind is the boiling furnace caused by furnace penetration, which is rare. When some parts of the furnace wall are seriously corroded by molten steel, the molten steel is easy to pass through the furnace in the smelting process. The molten steel passing through causes a short circuit between two induction coils, which makes the induction coil be broken down. Because there is 0.2-0.3mpa cooling water in the induction coil, under such pressure, the cooling water enters into the furnace body, which is gasified by the molten steel, forming a large amount of water vapor, thus causing boiling. If the pressure of water is small or the amount is small, it is easy to cause furnace explosion.

B solution: the furnace lining should be inspected and repaired continuously in production. In case of discontinuous operation, the top, wall and bottom of the furnace should be inspected carefully before the cold furnace is opened. In case of continuous melting, whether the bottom needs to be repaired should also be observed from the top for each tapping. In case of continuous melting, whether the bottom needs to be repaired should also be observed from the top if there is no tapping. If the crack is less than 2mm, it does not need to be repaired. If the crack is more than 2mm, it needs to be repaired. First remove the slag around, top the paper containing furnace repair material at the lower end of the crack, use U-shaped iron needle to squeeze the material into the crack, and then use the furnace building material mixed with sodium silicate to smooth the surface, so as to prevent the furnace penetrating accident.

The phenomenon of boiling furnace is generally caused by unqualified charge or nonstandard operation. No matter which kind of boiler can be prevented in actual production. This requires that the growth must be carried out in strict accordance with the process operating procedures. Once the boiler boils, power off immediately, add deoxidizer (preferably strong deoxidizer), cover the liquid surface with slag remover, and dump the liquid steel into the furnace pit if necessary, so as to prevent the accident of amplification.

Yiphee Electric Furnace Co.,Ltd specializes in producing induction furnace.Tel(WhatsApp):+86-13450756789, yiphee@yiphee.cn

induction smelting furnace

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